Archivos por Etiqueta: #SpanishSchoolUninter

El carnaval, una fiesta de color

La historia del Carnaval Las fiestas de los Carnavales tienen su origen en diversas fiestas en honor de dioses paganos, como las Saturnales en honor al dios romano Saturno. No obstante, en la Edad Media se convirtieron en una tradición ligada a la Cuaresma, una celebración católica. Los antecedentes de los Carnavales: las fiestas lupercales romanas, las fiestas en honor

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By Dr. James J. Horn Morelos is Mexico’s second smallest state but one of its most appealing tourist destinations. Located on the border of the Federal District in south-central Mexico, it is only a 90-minute drive from the Mexico City airport and two and a half hours from Acapulco. Its near-perfect year-round climate has attracted visitors since the days of

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La increíble experiencia en México de los alumnos de Saratoga High School 2018

Un grupo de alumnos de la escuela de Saratoga, tuvieron la oportunidad de vivir una gran experiencia en Spanish School Uninter, aprendiendo español, conociendo la cultura mexicana, interactuando y practicando el idioma español al conversar con mexicanos, descubriendo las tradiciones,  degustando de la gastronomía y visitando algunos de los lugares turísticos más hermosos que hay en México. Visita de Saratoga

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Feria de la esfera en Tlalpujahua, Michoacán 2017

Sphere Fair 2017 The «Feria de la esfera» at the Magic town of Tlalpujahua, Michoacan began on September 30, 2017 and will be until December 17, 2017. Take the opportunity to admire and acquire the best Christmas spheres of blown glass and other Christmas decorations that you can find in the municipal auditorium and also there will be cultural activities

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Mexican Experience: Kailee Haong at Spanish School Uninter Cuernavaca

Con la Mente Abierta [Written by Kailee Haong coming from Gonzaga University in U.S.A. and ex-student at Spanish School Uninter; she tells us about his experience studying Spanish language, living in Mexico with a Mexican family and denying some myths about the Mexican country]. More often than not, we disregard our southern counterparts by categorizing them as poor, lesser, drug-riddled

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«Festival Nacional del Globo, Tequesquitengo 2017» Another Adventure of our students from Putney School

On Saturday, October 21 our students from Putney School attended at the National Balloon and Music Festival 2017, carried out in Mexico Gardens, Teqesquitengo, Morelos. The main attraction of this event was the flights in aerostatic balloons started to inflate at 6:00 am and then those began to take off at 7:00 am.     At 9:00 a.m. the other activities

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Tepoztlán village: In the village of Tepoztlán, the best place to eat is in the market located in front of the convent, where you can eat: Itacates Green Mole  Tamales of Butter Gorditas stuffed with cream, sauce, and grated cheese   Puente de Ixtla village: In this place you can found more typical dishes: Enchiladas of peanut Nopales in Guajillo

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Know the different prohibitions that are legal in another country

Prohibitions in other countries, which in Mexico are legal: – In Bolivia: The operation of Coca-Cola and McDonald’s is prohibited to preserve its culture and the health of the residents. – In Bangladesh, Argentina, Italy, Rwanda, The United States (Los Angeles), Hawaii (Rio Grande) and Italy: The use of plastic bags are prohibited because many terrestrial and marine animals died

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Today, we celebrate at Spanish School Uninter the Mexican Independence

Today September 15, we celebrate in Uninter the day of the beginning of the Mexican independence, and this time our students from Spanish School Uninter attended to this event which helps them to know more about the traditions of Mexico, their music, and their typical dances In Mexico, we are accustomed to celebrates on September 15 the day of the

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Come to Morelos and taste all the delicious typical dishes from different villages! (Part 2)

Tetelcingo village: It’s located at the North of Cuautla, is a town with origin Olmeca, where some people preserve the Nahuatl language; in Tetelcingo the typical dish is: Mojarras, prepared with wallpaper or fried.      Mazatepec village: In the Prehispanic period, Mazatepec was an important part of the religious and political center of Xochicalco, it counts with a great variety of typical

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Discover the traditions of Morelos: «La Feria de Tlaltenango»

Tlaltenango is an avenue in Cuernavaca City, whose name comes from the Nahuatl Language Tlalli: Earth, Tenamitl: Wall and Co: In; which it means: «On the wall of the earth». Was since 1523, when Hernán Cortés began to build the Church of «The Lord St. Jose and the Lord of Mercy»; the only surviving vestige of the Vice-Royal epoch that

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International students discovered the Mexican history at «Xochicalco Ruins Tour»

The past Saturday, our students of Spanish School Uninter visited the Xochicalco Pyramids, located in Miacatlán, Morelos, by the «Club Amigo» program. In this excursion, they learned more about Xochicalco ruins, a Nahuatl name that means: Place of the House of Flowers. Xochicalco appears after the desertion of Teotihuacan, to hold the economic and political power in the region. This place

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