Archivos por Etiqueta: Culture

6 tradiciones y costumbres que sólo tenemos los Mexicanos

“Aventar” al festejado en su pastel Es una de las tradiciones más raras, consiste en que la persona que cumpla años, le compren su tradicional pastel y es incitado a “morderle” para que enseguida de eso, literalmente lo avienten hacía el mismo embarrándose todo el rostro. El niño de la rosca Se festeja el 6 de enero, mejor dicho: “Día

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El Xoloitzcuintle

¿Alguna vez se han preguntado la historia de este perrito chistoso de procedencia mexicana? o quizás, ¿de dónde proviene su nombre? La palabra Xoloitzcuintle proviene del náhuatl, donde Xólotl significa extraño e itzcuintli, perro. Para muchos, este perro era un regalo del Dios Xólotl para ser el guía de las almas de los difuntos. Es decir, acompañaba a sus amos aún

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Know the different prohibitions that are legal in another country

Prohibitions in other countries, which in Mexico are legal: – In Bolivia: The operation of Coca-Cola and McDonald’s is prohibited to preserve its culture and the health of the residents. – In Bangladesh, Argentina, Italy, Rwanda, The United States (Los Angeles), Hawaii (Rio Grande) and Italy: The use of plastic bags are prohibited because many terrestrial and marine animals died

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Each year investigators varying from different disciplinary areas such as: linguistics, literature, translation, education, film, among others, are concentrated at Spanish School Uninter in Universidad Internacional. Dr. Alvaro Ramirez from St. Mary’s College in the State of California the organizer of this event, has brought students each year to our Spanish and Mexican culture programs since 1989 to date. On

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Learning through interaction with mexican students

«We are fortunate to live with the sister of a BIU teacher. BIU is the private high school belonging to our university here. Mónica took photos of this group’s first interactive gathering between high school students of BIU and LT. A little something for you to ask your kids about: comparison of cultures regarding Easter eggs» 🐣. JoEllen Gregie

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Learn, live & love the Spanish language & Mexican Culture

Learn Spanish, Live the Culture & Love Mexico  Learn Spanish. By learning Spanish people will be able to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture. Live the Culture. Mexican culture reflects the complexity of the country’s history through the blending of indigenous cultures and the culture of Spain,

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The new nacionalism? Illegal mexicans or new americans?  Read about a twentieth-century person who is trying to make sense of the twenty first century with its transnational and postnational realities that many people live today in countries such as Mexico. Everyday, especially today in the Era of Trump, we experience a bewildering, constantly changing hybrid world, always intending to adapt

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Putney School: A few of our first impressions…

«I continue to be overwhelmed by the beauty of Morelos, and cannot imagine leaving without returning in the future. I am so thankful for the care and kindness of my host family and everyone who I have had the pleasure of meeting. Everything is amazing, and the thrill of the unfamiliarity seems to amplify the richness of the food and

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